Blog Posts

Posts about more personal thoughts or just things I want to write about!

Most recent posts:

2024 Update - 05/12/2024

Hey!! It’s been a while! I’ve really been neglecting this site, huh?

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August Update - 08/16/2023

I said I was gonna do this regularly and then I forgot ehehe… But! But! I have an excuse!! Kinda lol...

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2023 New Years Resolutions - 12/31/2022

2022 is over! Honestly, I don't feel like I've been as productive this year but the biggest thing...

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Hansel Post Mortem - 11/20/2022

Over 5 years after finishing the game, I think I can finally write down my thoughts of...

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05/02/24 - Recent things!
Recently I just found out about MILGRAM on youtube!! I was trying to look for some mystery anime for inspiration for Case File: Poe, but I came across this youtube music series!! The music is sooo good!! An my favorite character is Mikoto hehe