2024 Update

Date Written: May 2nd, 2024

Hey!! It’s been a while! I’ve really been neglecting this site, huh?

I really just wanted to give a long due update. I’m still alive! I’ve just still been pretty busy… but it’s a good type of busy! I promise!

Since last update (August 2023) I mentioned that I wanted to take my art more seriously– that I was gonna focus on my comics and stuff!! And so yeah, I did! Through the end of 2023, I worked really hard on making some comic pitches and drawing the oneshot comic “Find Your Divinity, Aiolos” (which I posted in my projects page).

I had felt that the only way I could succeed with my comics was to go through the traditional publishing route. I did a lot of research and reached out to companies, went to portfolio reviews, and was even reached out to by one of my dream comic publishing companies! But… in the end I was rejected by everyone. I’ll be honest, I was pretty crushed haha. For more than half of the rejections, my art/art style was the reason for rejection.

By the end of 2023, I had a lot of trouble drawing. I had my biggest art block ever!! It took me a while to even read comics/manga again lol. I guess I was just scared to draw or look at comics again.

But for 2024, I changed my mindset! I’m not the only person to go through rejections! Even accomplished creatives had to pitch multiple times! And… just because I was rejected doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world! If these companies didn’t see my vision, or want to help me accomplish my dreams… why should I let that stop me? I’ll accomplish my dreams with my own two hands! >:]

So… now I can explain why I’ve been so busy!! As soon as 2024 started, I’ve been working on creating a little multimedia publishing business with my sister! Getting all the legal stuff settled has been taking longer than expected but everything is going smoothly! We’re gonna use it to publish our own comics, books, and games and stuff!! Then, hopefully we can go to conventions and be in bookstores and more!!

I’m hoping that we can launch the website within the next few years… I’ll be sure to make updates! :]

I’m super happy that I’m getting back into drawing again, and feeling good about my art and comics!

And now, on to some other updates!

I HAVE been working on Case File: Poe! It definitely still is my most ambitious game, and story yet. I’ve severely underestimated how long it would take me to even write the whole script. Expect a devlog update soon hehe

Mana Days has been on hiatus for a while, and I can’t say when I’ll be able to update it again. I want to get it printed in the near future, but I have to redo/rescan the early pages because for some reason they are not the best quality I’d like. But!! I’ll still update one day! Rider, Pierce, and Nondis are my children hehe, I’ll never abandon them!

And… I’ve been working a secret side project (that has also been keeping me pretty busy) with my sister! I’m super happy with how well it’s doing, but it’s a secret of cosmic proportions! :]

Anyways, this was a pretty big update! Thanks for reading!! I’m gonna get to uploading some art on the site now ^__^